Licensed Massage Therapist

You may have already experienced massage for relaxation, but what our massage therapist, Rachel Gothard-Gollob, LMT, offers goes beyond a typical spa experience to radically improve your health. Rachel practices therapeutic massage, which provides focused work on your body’s soft tissues (muscles, tendons and ligaments).

Each appointment with Rachel is tailored to your specific needs and health concerns. So the more info you provide, the better! Then Rachel uses massage techniques like deep-tissue massage, myofascial release, trigger point work or movement therapies to work on a targeted area of your body.

Unlike a relaxation massage, a therapeutic massage may feel deeper as Rachel works on your soft tissues to heal or alleviate the underlying causes of tension and pain. 

We encourage you to try therapeutic massage. It can help decrease pain; increase range of motion; make it easier to move and function after injury; and help you heal faster.

Rachel Gothard-Gollob attended the Bodymechanics School of Myotherapy and Massage in Tumwater, WA, where she graduated with distinction, achieving top honors in her class. As a massage therapist, Rachel likes to bring an integrated mind-body approach to healing, which begins with an understanding of the root causes of a client’s discomfort. With her holistic approach to healing, Rachel brings a quality of awareness to her massage that can include suggesting subtle changes to a client’s lifestyle. These changes, in turn, can bring about a transformative result. At the end of each session, Rachel’s relaxing and rejuvenating massage allows each client to enter into a new realm of health and wellness.

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